Alexandra Arrivillaga's Blog

Advantages of Ecommerce Over Retail

Advantages of Ecommerce Over Retail

Ecommerce has many advantages over retail. Ecommerce is a popular business model that has been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years. This is not surprising, considering how convenient and user-friendly it can be. This article will discuss why...

Freelancing Tips for Beginners

Freelancing Tips for Beginners

For freelancers, the only thing worse than not finding a paying client is having too many of them. Once you've got one or more clients on your plate, it's time to figure out how to manage all your work while still making sure that both you and your client are happy....

Freelancing Tips from the Experts

Freelancing Tips from the Experts

As more people explore the idea of pursuing freelance work, good information and advice for how to do it well are in solid demand. Freelancing can be more complicated than it sounds and prospective freelancers should always do their research before wading in. The...

Ecommerce Business Aspects to Prioritize

Ecommerce Business Aspects to Prioritize

Ecommerce business owners are always looking for ways to improve their products, increase sales and make more money. But as the saying goes, "everything cannot happen at once," so it's essential to prioritize what matters most. Here are the things that eCommerce...

Sharpening Your Public Speaking Skills

Sharpening Your Public Speaking Skills

Public speaking is a process of addressing and communicating with a few or many people to persuade, motivate, educate or entertain their listeners. Since well-prepared, skilled, and dynamic speakers are valuable to employers, they often earn leadership positions and...

3 Business Aspects to Always Pay Attention To

3 Business Aspects to Always Pay Attention To

A successful company, whether it's a start-up or a large multinational corporation, has three main areas of concern: marketing, operations, and finance. Marketing encompasses all the activities that lead customers to order products from you. Operations refer to how...

5 Business Principles You May Want to Avoid

5 Business Principles You May Want to Avoid

Most budding entrepreneurs get thrown off balance by the many dos and don'ts of business. Certain business principles cancel each other out, and this can make things confusing. A business principle may work for one individual, but this doesn't mean it cuts across all...

Public Speaking Tips From Experts

Public Speaking Tips From Experts

Public speaking is one of the most common fears around, as it affects up to 30% of the general population. A person speaking in front of a crowd, whether it be for a school project, a job interview, or in a meeting, assumes they are just shy and simply hope that they...

Branding Tips from Entrepreneur Deep Patel

Branding Tips from Entrepreneur Deep Patel

According to Deep Patel, business owners can create priceless brands using these four strategies. Support social causes Consumers understand that their money has power. By making purchases, they are casting votes on the kind of world they want to live in. People are...