A summer vacation can be one of the best times of the year, however, it can also be one of the most expensive times to take a trip. Nonetheless, if you are able to save up the necessary funds to go on that dream trip this summer, it is sure to be a wonderful time, especially if you pick the right destination. No matter what you are interested in, whether it be woodsy mountains, beaches, and boardwalks, or even beautiful national parks, there’s a destination somewhere in the world just for you. So get your bags packed and get ready for this season with this list of some of the top summer travel destinations.
Paris, France
Also known as the City of Lights, Paris brings in millions of visitors every year due to its unforgettable ambiance. Plus, we can’t forget about its exquisite cuisine and vast art collections. From world-class museums to top-notch fashion and retail options, Paris boasts as a city of “many splendors” as described by Ernest Hemingway in his memoir, “A Moveable Feast.” Popular options include the famous Musee d’Orsay, shopping the biggest designers on the Champs Elysees, exploring the boutiques in Le Marais, or even taking in the breathtaking view from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Don’t forget to snack on some street crepes as you’re exploring either.
Santa Barbara, California
Just up north from Los Angeles, Santa Barbara hosts a much calmer and laid-back vibe with perfect temperatures all year round. Now, don’t let its calmer atmosphere fool you as there is more than plenty to do in the smaller California city. It is located at the base of the Santa Ynez Mountains and with its ocean breezes, downtown strolls, and various hiking opportunities, it proves to be an ideal summer destination. Santa Barbara is also home to a variety of beaches. Popular choices include One Thousand Steps Beach which despite its name includes fewer than one thousand steps, Butterfly Beach which is known to have one of the best sunsets in the area, and Arroyo Burro Beach County Park which is a great place to try out surfing.
Hamburg, Germany
Due to its critical role as a global trading port, Hamburg is recognized as “the Gateway to the Way.” However, most people would not realize this as they skip the northern German city to visit Berlin or Munich instead. Now, the city is looking to revitalize itself and get back on the map through their ambitious development projects to pay tribute to its past while also showcasing its forward-looking arts scenes. A key example of this is in the world’s new most exciting music venue, the Elbphilharmonie which is a wave-shaped, glass-covered building that sits on the banks of the River Elbe. This grandiose building also includes a 4.5-star hotel, 45 apartments, and a public deck that boasts 360-degree views of the city.